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Hotel Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives

Hodnocení: 4/5


od 62 996 za os.

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Informace o hotelu

  • Vzdálenost od pláže Pláž 0 m
  • Klimatizace Klimatizace ano
  • Vnější bazén Vnější bazén ano
  • Lehátka a slunečníky u bazénu zdarma, Lehátka a slunečníky na pláži zdarma Lehátka a slunečníky u bazénu zdarma ano
  • TV TV ano
  • Minibar, Bar Minibar ano
  • Dětský koutek, Dětské hřiště, Dětský bazén Dětský koutek ano
  • Tenis, Volejbal Tenis ano
  • Surfování Surfování ano
  • Potápěčské centrum Potápěčské centrum ano
  • Fitness Fitness ano
  • Hotelová restaurace Hotelová restaurace ano

Recenze ubytování

Výborné (na základě 5 hodnocení)

Hodnocení 4,6 / 5

Ubytování 4,5 / 5

Strava 4,6 / 5

Okolí 4,7 / 5

Cena 4,7 / 5

Původ recenzí: Je-li recenze označena jako "ověřená recenze", prokazatelně pochází od našeho zákazníka.

Tento hotel je 76. nejlépe hodnoceným hotelem z celkového počtu 726 v Maledivy.

Tomáš G.

Hodnocení 5,0 / 5

Ověřená recenze (Invia.cz) Datum pobytu 22.7. - 1.8.2024 Hodnoceno: Říjen 2024

Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives Hodnocení: 4.5/5 Maledivy, n/a

Velice dobré :)

Velice dobré :)

Ubytování 5,0 / 5

Strava 5,0 / 5

Okolí 5,0 / 5

Cena 5,0 / 5

Byla tato recenze užitečná? (0) (0)

Zákazník nechtěl zveřejnit své jméno

Hodnocení 4,3 / 5

Ověřená recenze (Invia.cz) Datum pobytu 13.11. - 22.11.2023 Hodnoceno: Listopad 2023

Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives Hodnocení: 4.5/5 Maledivy, n/a

Great location, beautiful scenery, undisturbed peace and quiet.

Great location, beautiful scenery, undisturbed peace and quiet.

Ubytování 4,0 / 5

Strava 4,0 / 5

Okolí 4,5 / 5

Cena 4,5 / 5

We had a room with direct access to the beach, the view was breathtaking. The room was sufficiently big and with enough closet space. The only thing that could have been improved was having some place to hang wet clothes, either inside or outside. Otherwise, the accommodation was perfect.

International cuisine is offered, anyone would be able to choose at least something. Breakfast: all kinds of eggs, pancakes, crepes, French toast, waffles, yoghurt, fruit, vegetables, cheese, ham, even bacon… Lunch and dinner: several choices of meat, fish, along with veggies, rice, potatoes… both spicy and non-spicy options! Some seafood was also included. Pasta and pizza were also available at all times. Variety of pastries and 4 ice cream flavours along with the fruit were offered.

Water, soft drinks, milkshakes, and beer/wine were served in the restaurant. The bar had a variety of alcoholic cocktails and mocktails, along with morning and afternoon snacks. The snacks were nothing to write home about, though.

The seafood restaurant was closed for renovation.

Služby hotelu
The staff was friendly and helpful starting with reception and ending with housekeeping. Even sand on the beach and all around the resort was manually cleaned on daily basis.

The only thing that could be improved is waiter service both at the restaurant and the bar. Even in an almost empty space with just a few guests around it sometimes took half-an-hour to get your drink served, even water…

There is live music at the bar for a few hours in the afternoon/evening. Otherwise there is almost nothing in terms of organized activities - beach volley a few times a week, aqua gym and beach training once a week. Yoga instructor was not available during our stay.

There is a small gym and a trainer on the premises. If you are looking for peace and quiet, same as we were, you will find it there.

Our room had direct beach access and view, so at times it felt like we had our own private beach just to ourselves. We walked around the island, and nowhere on the beach we felt crowded. There is more than enough space for everyone to feel at peace.

Byla tato recenze užitečná? (0) (1)

Filtrovat recenze

Tomáš G.

Hodnocení 5,0 / 5

Ověřená recenze (Invia.cz) Datum pobytu 22.7. - 1.8.2024 Hodnoceno: Říjen 2024

Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives Hodnocení: 4.5/5 Maledivy, n/a

Velice dobré :)

Velice dobré :)

Ubytování 5,0 / 5

Strava 5,0 / 5

Okolí 5,0 / 5

Cena 5,0 / 5

Byla tato recenze užitečná? (0) (0)

Zákazník nechtěl zveřejnit své jméno

Hodnocení 4,3 / 5

Ověřená recenze (Invia.cz) Datum pobytu 13.11. - 22.11.2023 Hodnoceno: Listopad 2023

Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives Hodnocení: 4.5/5 Maledivy, n/a

Great location, beautiful scenery, undisturbed peace and quiet.

Great location, beautiful scenery, undisturbed peace and quiet.

Ubytování 4,0 / 5

Strava 4,0 / 5

Okolí 4,5 / 5

Cena 4,5 / 5

We had a room with direct access to the beach, the view was breathtaking. The room was sufficiently big and with enough closet space. The only thing that could have been improved was having some place to hang wet clothes, either inside or outside. Otherwise, the accommodation was perfect.

International cuisine is offered, anyone would be able to choose at least something. Breakfast: all kinds of eggs, pancakes, crepes, French toast, waffles, yoghurt, fruit, vegetables, cheese, ham, even bacon… Lunch and dinner: several choices of meat, fish, along with veggies, rice, potatoes… both spicy and non-spicy options! Some seafood was also included. Pasta and pizza were also available at all times. Variety of pastries and 4 ice cream flavours along with the fruit were offered.

Water, soft drinks, milkshakes, and beer/wine were served in the restaurant. The bar had a variety of alcoholic cocktails and mocktails, along with morning and afternoon snacks. The snacks were nothing to write home about, though.

The seafood restaurant was closed for renovation.

Služby hotelu
The staff was friendly and helpful starting with reception and ending with housekeeping. Even sand on the beach and all around the resort was manually cleaned on daily basis.

The only thing that could be improved is waiter service both at the restaurant and the bar. Even in an almost empty space with just a few guests around it sometimes took half-an-hour to get your drink served, even water…

There is live music at the bar for a few hours in the afternoon/evening. Otherwise there is almost nothing in terms of organized activities - beach volley a few times a week, aqua gym and beach training once a week. Yoga instructor was not available during our stay.

There is a small gym and a trainer on the premises. If you are looking for peace and quiet, same as we were, you will find it there.

Our room had direct beach access and view, so at times it felt like we had our own private beach just to ourselves. We walked around the island, and nowhere on the beach we felt crowded. There is more than enough space for everyone to feel at peace.

Byla tato recenze užitečná? (0) (1)

Andrea Ilona Demeter

Hodnocení 5,0 / 5

Ověřená recenze (Invia.hu) Datum pobytu 27.7. - 3.8.2022 Hodnoceno: Srpen 2022

Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives Hodnocení: 4.5/5 Maledivy, n/a

Vše bylo krásné, personál velmi milý a pozorný, SPA oddělení fantastické, můžeme jen doporučit.

Vše bylo krásné, personál velmi milý a pozorný, SPA oddělení fantastické, můžeme jen doporučit.

Ubytování 5,0 / 5

Strava 5,0 / 5

Okolí 5,0 / 5

Cena 5,0 / 5

Byla tato recenze užitečná? (0) (0)

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Zavolejte nám nebo spusťte live chat a zařídíme vám báječnou dovolenou, na kterou budete vzpomínat dlouhou dobu.

Jsme k zastižení Po-Pá 7:00-22:00; So-Ne 8:00-22:00.

226 000 250


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